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Please welcome our Glowing Orange Roses bouquet

Welcome, the first warmth of autumn.

Welcome, an orange glow so deep and pure that it seems to warm the room.

Welcome, a gorgeous arrangement of flowers which will light up your home.

The glowing orange roses bouquet.

Glowing Orange Roses

This new bouquet from Clare Florist features orange roses, a big and beautiful protea, gorgeous germini, tropical mango calla lilies, and sweet hypericum. This tasteful, retrained arrangement takes full advantage of the natural colours and scents of these fresh flowers, to leave you with a bouquet so toasty you could curl up next to it with a book!

This new addition to the Clare Florist family is available for next-day delivery from our website, and just to tempt you that little bit further, we've taken the price down from £39.99 to just £34.99. An ideal gift for someone you love :)

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