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The Meanings of Many Christmas Flowers

Each week we have looked at one of the many flowers, trees and other foliage that we associate with at Christmas. Below is a round up of all the ones we have covered just in case you missed any!

Christmas Flowers - The meaning of the Christmas Wreath

As we get closer to Christmas (only 13 days now) we will be taking a look at all those different types of foliage we associate with Christmas, from poinsettia to Christmas trees, each one is steeped in symbolism and tradition that is really quite interesting. Today we will look at one of the most symbolic pieces of foliage of this winter season, one you will find hanging on many front doors, in homes and offices or even as the centre piece on a table, its non other than the Christmas Wreath.


The Christmas Tree - History and Tradition

As we get closer to Christmas (only 19 days now) we will be taking a look at all those different types of foliage we associate with Christmas, from poinsettia to Christmas trees, each one is steeped in symbolism and tradition that is really quite interesting. Today we will look at one of the most symbolic pieces of foliage of this winter season, the ever festive Christmas Tree.

  Christmas trees

Christmas Flowers - The meaning of the Christmas Rose

As we get closer to Christmas (only 26 days now) we will be taking a look at all those different types of foliage we associate with Christmas, from poinsettia to Christmas trees, each one is stooped in symbolism and tradition that is really quite interesting. Today we will look at the Christmas rose, Helleborus niger.


Flower meanings – Christmas Mistletoe

As we get closer to Christmas (only 33 days now) we will be taking a look at all those different types of foliage we associate with Christmas, from poinsettia to Christmas trees, each one is stooped in symbolism and tradition that is really quite interesting. Today we will look at Mistletoe.


Flower meanings – Christmas Holly

As we get closer to Christmas (only 40 days now) we will be taking a look at all those different types of foliage we associate with Christmas, from poinsettia to Christmas trees each one is stooped in symbolism and tradition that is really quite interesting. Today we will look at Christmas holly.


Flower Meanings - The Christmas Flower

Now were into November and there is just under seven weeks left till Christmas, I think its perfectly acceptable to start talking about Christmas flowers and what better way to begin than with the UKs best selling Christmas Flower, Euphorbia pulcherrima.  The Christmas Flower, also know as the Christmas Star, poinsettia, noche buena or Atakurks Flowers is one that epitomises the Christmas feel, with its lush red bracts and deep green leaves it has all the colours associated with any bouquet you’ll see from any florist this Christmas period.


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