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Weekly Round Up - Christmas Rose, Winter Vegetable, Kniphofias & Factoids

In case you missed any of our highly interesting and thought provoking posts this week, below is a short summary for each one to wet your appetite to want more. Have a great weekend from all the team at Clare Florist.

Christmas Flowers - The meaning of the Christmas Rose

As we get closer to Christmas (only 26 days now) we will be taking a look at all those different types of foliage we associate with Christmas, from poinsettia to Christmas trees, each one is stooped in symbolism and tradition that is really quite interesting. Today we will look at the Christmas rose, Helleborus niger.................................


5 Vegetables to Grow over the winter

If you love growing your own vegetables, or wish to begin doing so, winter may not seem like the best time to do so, its cold, its dry and its gloomy but there are a number of hardy vegetables out their that will grow even in these unfavourable conditions. Growing vegetables in winter allows you to get a jump start on your growing season and the only thing to bear in mind is that if there is a frost predicted a layer of compost or mulch over the top will keep them insulated and alive.............

Weird and wonderful flowers – Kniphofias

Our weird and wonderful flowers blog each week takes a look at a species or two of flowers that the majority of people would not have any clue even existed. From rare and exotic species to ones which have evolved highly unique mechanisms to increase their chances of survival, each week we bring you a highly unique and interesting plant to help increase your interesting flower knowledge. Today were going to look the colourful and dramatically unusual kniphofias..............


Flower Facts for Thursday

With us being close to the end of the week, our brains are tired, were looking forward to the weekend and in need of some mental stimulation. Here are some facts, figures, challenges and general fun to keep us all occupied for one more day.

Did you know?.........................

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