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What to plant this March

Coming into the second week of March and things outside are definitely looking far more pleasant. The daffodils are beginning to bloom, the days are getting longer and the temperatures gradually creeping into double figures. But now the weather is beginning to take a turn, what should you be planting in the garden at this time of the year? Below is a selection of flowers and vegetables you could be planting right now for an early harvest.

A word of caution, since it is still possible to get frosts at this time of year, you will probably have more success starting of these plants in a green house, or, if that’s not possible, be prepared to give them a cover of fleece or mulch when the weather looks like its about to turn nasty.

Flowers March_flowers

Good choices for seeds to sow in March are hardy annuals such as Sweet Peas, Marigolds, Zinnias and Clarkias. Other choices to plant are Dahlias, Pansies, Carnations, Roses, and Chrysanthemums

Before planting make sure you remove any winter debris such as leaves and tree branches and give the soil a good fork over.



March vegetablesVegetables

Get started with some cabbage, with its vast varieties pick one that can be sowed around now or harvested in August, when planting make sure they are placed where they will receive a lot of sunshine and in soil that retains its moisture.

Another good choice for this time off year are Brussels sprouts, requiring much patience regardless of whether you love or hate them as these will not be ready to harvest till shortly before Christmas. When planting make sure to leave a lot of space between each one as they can easily grow to 1m wide and over 1m high.

Lettuces are a great choice, fast growing and can give you harvest every few weeks when planted in a staggered fashion.

Finally get some leeks into the ground. This great year round vegetable takes a long time to mature but is a great alternative to onions in your cooking.

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