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Olympics Inspire Wildflower Gardeners


Wildflower sales have risen dramatically, with some suggesting that last year's Olympics ahould take credit.

In the wake of the highly successful London Olympic Games, beautiful wildflower meadows were installed at the Olympic Park. And it seems that the sight of these hardy wild beauties budding through the frosty spring is inspiring more and more gardeners to create their own little Olympic legacy at home.

Speaking to the Aberdeen Press and Journal, Ian LeGros, a curator at one of the Royal Horticultural Society’s gardens, said: “Wildflowers are currently going through a massive boom in popularity and are set to be one of the big trends for amateur gardening in 2013.

“They are easy to plant and maintain, provide much needed habitats for wildlife and are valuable sources of nectar and pollen for bees and other pollinators.

“Encouraging wildlife and pollinators is particularly important in urban areas, so if you’ve a sunny patch of dry ground that won’t support much else in your front garden, it’s time to convert it into a wildflower meadow.”

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