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Spring Time Bulbs In February

With the burst of colour beginning to appear some those blooming spring time bulbs you may be feeling the urge to get back in the garden as the winter weather begins to fade away. The great news is that if you missed the boat on planting your bulbs in October/November you still have plenty of time to get them in the ground ready for the summer. Good spring bulbs to choose are snowdrops, crocus, daffodils and tulips and if you’ve never planted bulbs before its really easy if you follow some of these top tips.


1)      When choosing your bulbs make sure they a firm when you give them a little squeeze, if the bulb is soft, looks damaged or shrivelled up get rid of them, as there unlikely to grow.

2)      Your bulbs love sunlight so when picking the position look for when that gets sunlight all day long and is in soil with good drainage. Place them either randomly, in rows or together, it really doesn’t matter.

3)      Here come the two key tips to planting bulbs.Bulbs

a.      The first key point is that the hole you place the bulb in needs to be around 2.5 times the
length of the bulb deep

b.      Secondly make sure you put the bulb in hole the correct way round. This is usually with the bulbs point facing up, but if your unsure place it on its side and it will sort its self out.

4)      Once planted and placed correctly, cover with soil, water and move on, simple as that!

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